We are proud to be AAHA-accredited

This is another way we demonstrate our commitment to quality medicine and the highest standards of care. We will always do our very best for you, our clients. This video shares more about how our AAHA certification puts us at the top of our field.

The AAHA Standards of Accreditation are composed of 940 standards and 18 categories covering all areas of veterinary practice—from anesthesia and pain management to record-keeping and client communication.

AAHA’s practice consultants visit veterinary hospitals and evaluate them based on the AAHA Standards of Accreditation.

Indian Trail Receptionist SmilingAAHA-accredited practices are recognized among the best in the industry. In fact, only about 15 percent of all small animal veterinary hospitals in the United States are accredited.

Accreditation is not a requirement for veterinary hospitals but it is an important part of providing the level of service that we feel our clients and patients deserve.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about why AAHA accreditation is important - to us and to you!