Preparing for your Pet's Procedure

Your pet has a surgery or anesthetic procedure scheduled at Indian Trail Animal Hospital. We know that there can be many questions surrounding these procedures and we are here to answer them for you. We can ease your mind that surgery and sedation with us is not an assembly line, it is a careful recognition of our patient’s unique individual needs with time and attention given to each patient. We tailor the protocol to each patient based on what we know of their condition, personality, breed, bloodwork, etc. and use only the most up-to-date monitoring equipment, procedures, and pain management protocols – your pet is in good hands with our team.

Surgery/Sedation Form

Dentistry Sedation Form

**Please e-mail your form back to [email protected] at least 3 days prior to your pet’s procedure**


How do I reach you if I have questions?

Our hospital number is 704-821-7040 and e-mail is [email protected]

Our surgical assistant line (available 8am to 2pm) is (704) 430-6697.

Our veterinarians can be reached at:

When do I drop off?

Between 7:30 and 7:45am (plan to spend 10-15 min)

When do I pick up?

Pick up is generally between 2pm and close of business pending your pet’s procedure. If you have a specific time need, we’ll do our best to accommodate – please let us know ahead of time!

Is payment expected in full?

Yes. We accept cash, credit, and Care Credit’s 6 month deferred interest plan (

If you are planning to use CareCredit, please be aware that we must follow strict guidelines from the company before accepting payment including that the CARDHOLDER MUST BE PRESENT. Our customer service team can be reached at 704-821-7040 or [email protected] if you have billing questions or need to make arrangements before the procedure (please do not wait until the day of the procedure).

What do I bring?

Please bring:

1. Your pet **with an empty bladder and colon to minimize anesthetic messes**

2. Your sedation form (available on our Forms tab)

3. Your pet’s medications

4. An Elizabethan collar, if you already have one

What about food and water before the procedure?

Food: Please remove food at 9pm the night before the procedure

Water: Water should be kept available at all times

What about medications before the procedure?

We prefer that most medications be given on the day of the procedure as long as they don’t have to be given with a meal. Feel free to contact us with questions ahead of time.

What about insulin before the procedure?

Your pet won’t receive a meal on the morning of your procedure, so only give ONE-HALF OF THE NORMAL DOSE OF INSULIN

What is my cost estimate?

Please contact the veterinarian performing your pet’s procedure if you didn’t receive a cost estimate yet:

What can I expect on the night of the procedure?

Expect that your pet will appear tired and possibly a little distant on the evening of the procedure. Cats may have dilated eyes from the pain medication they have received. For most procedures, your pet will be back to normal interactions and activity the next day.